Programs (Service Models) Programs (or service models) are a bundle of services or required activities. As a recovery residences provider, you may offer one or more programs. For example, you could have an Extended Aftercare as well as a “step down” sober living. Or, perhaps your women’s program looks significantly different than your men’s program. Complete a form for each program. Each program is evaluated and a Level of Support is determined.
Program Description(Required) In 200 words or less, describe this program or service model.
Weekly Schedule of Activities(Required) Upload the weekly schedule of activities for this service model or program. [Note: We recommend you upload using one of the following file formats: jpg, gif, png, pdf]
“Please upload a calendar of events.”
Staffing / Peer Leadership Plan(Required) Upload the staffing and/or peer leadership plan for this service model. Staffing plans include the job and leadership descriptions (roles, responsibilities, eligibility criteria and guides). Remember to highlight who delivers the various services. Resident leadership and peer-to-peer support is key in social model programs. You should have written criteria for choosing peer leaders or mentors as well as a guide to support their success. [Note: We recommend you upload using one of the following file formats: jpg, gif, png, pdf]
“Please upload a Staff/Leadership Plan.”
Types of Support(Required) In this model, what types supports are provided, as documented in the resident agreement?
“Who is delivering these supports?”
Attendance: Meetings or Activities(Required) As a condition of a resident's continued stay, are they required to attend household meetings or activities?
Attendance: Outside Mutual Aid(Required) As a condition of a resident's continued stay, are they required to attend outside mutual aid (e.g. 12-step meetings)?
Attendance: Recovery Support (Included)(Required) As a condition of a resident's continued stay, are they required to attend recovery support, included in the resident fee?
Attendance: Recovery Support (Not Included)(Required) As a condition of a resident's continued stay, are they required to attend recovery support not included in the resident fee?
Attendance: Life Skills Classes (Included)(Required) As a condition of a resident's continued stay, are they required to attend life skills classes included in the resident fee?
Attendance: Life Skills Classes (Not Included)(Required) As a condition of a resident's continued stay, are they required to attend life skills classes not included in the resident fee?
Attendance: Outpatient Treatment (Included)(Required) As a condition of a resident's continued stay, are they required to attend outpatient treatment included in the resident fee?
Attendance: Outpatient Treatment (Not Included)(Required) As a condition of a resident's continued stay, are they required to attend outpatient treatment not included in the resident fee?
Attendance: Other(Required) As a condition of a resident's continued stay, are they required to attend other meetings or activities not listed above?
Cultural Milestones(Required) In this model, when are rituals, traditions or activities used to support or acknowledge residents and peer leaders?
“What Variance are you seeking?”
Cultural Activities(Required) Describe the rituals, traditions or activities identified above.
Empowerment Milestones(Required) In this model, what recovery characteristics or milestones are used to determine when an resident is rewarded with responsibility or fewer restrictions?
Empowerment Activities(Required) In this model, how are residents given more responsibility and/or fewer restrictions as their recovery progresses?
Fun and Social Interaction(Required) In this model, how are residents learning to have fun and developing healthy social interaction skills?
Daily Activities: Outside the Residence(Required) Within this model, residents are engaged in meaningful, daily activities in work, school or volunteering outside of the residence
Daily Activities: Mutual Aid Groups(Required) Within this model, residents are engaged in meaningful, daily activities in mutual aid groups (e.g. 12-step, SMART, etc.)
Daily Activities: Social, Physical, Creative(Required) Within this model, residents are engaged in meaningful, daily social, physical or creative activities
Daily Activities: Resident Community Activities(Required) Within this model, residents are engaged in meaningful, daily or weekly resident community activities
Daily Activities: Programming(Required) Within this model, residents are engaged in meaningful, daily or weekly programming
Daily Activities: Other(Required) Within this model, residents are engaged in other meaningful, daily or weekly activities not listed above.
Sense of Family: Food Preparation(Required) Within this service model, do residents create and sustain a sense of functionally equivalent family via involvement in food preparation?
Sense of Family: Whom They Live With(Required) Within this service model, do residents create and sustain a sense of functionally equivalent family in having a voice in determining with whom they live?
Sense of Family: Household Chores(Required) Within this service model, do residents create and sustain a sense of functionally equivalent family in maintaining and/or cleaning the home?
Sense of Family: Participation in Weekly Meetings(Required) Within this service model, do residents create and sustain a sense of functionally equivalent family in participation in weekly "family meetings" or "resident community meetings"?
Sense of Family: Other(Required) Within this service model, do residents create and sustain a sense of functionally equivalent family in a process other than described above?
Sense of Family: Share in Household Expenses(Required) Within this service model, do residents create and sustain a sense of functionally equivalent family in sharing household expenses?
Recovery: Conducting Self-Assessments(Required) In this model, person- and peer-driven recovery, development and mutual support is promoted via residents conducting self-assessments
Recovery: Identifying Strengths(Required) In this model, person- and peer-driven recovery, development and mutual support is promoted via residents identifying their strengths
Recovery: Identifying Areas of Growth(Required) In this model, person- and peer-driven recovery, development and mutual support is promoted via residents identifying areas of growth
Recovery: Identifying Resources(Required) In this model, person- and peer-driven recovery, development and mutual support is promoted via residents identifying resources needed to achieve goals
Recovery: Identifying Goals and Objectives(Required) In this model, person- and peer-driven recovery, development and mutual support is promoted via residents identifying goals and objectives
“OKARR encourages residents identifying their own goals.”
Recovery: Celebrating Achievements(Required) In this model, person- and peer-driven recovery, development and mutual support is promoted via residents identifying how they will celebrate achieving a goal
“We will be asking at the on-site review how you are doing this.”
Recovery: Reporting Progress and Challenges(Required) In this model, person- and peer-driven recovery, development and mutual support is promoted via residents identifying how they will report their progress and challenges
Recovery: Acknowledging Achievements(Required) In this model, person- and peer-driven recovery, development and mutual support is promoted via residents identifying how achievements will be acknowledged
Recovery: Length of Stay(Required) In this model, person- and peer-driven recovery, development and mutual support is promoted via residents (in good standing) determining how long they can live at the residence
Recovery: Moving Out(Required) In this model, person- and peer-driven recovery, development and mutual support is promoted via residents having a strategy for both a planned and unplanned move-out
Recovery: Practicing Peer Support(Required) In this model, person- and peer-driven recovery, development and mutual support is promoted via residents being encouraged to practice peer support interactions with other residents
Recovery: Thinking For Themselves(Required) In this model, person- and peer-driven recovery, development and mutual support is promoted via residents being taught to think for themselves as peer support for others in recovery
Resident Leadership(Required) In this model, how are resident leaders chosen?
Resident Governance: Democratic(Required) In this model, residents democratically govern each property and or across properties
Resident Governance: Implementation(Required) In this model, residents make some rules or household decisions that the residents (not the staff) implement
Resident Governance: Being Heard(Required) In this model, residents have opportunities to be heard in governance of the residence
Resident Governance: Priority Population(Required) In this model, residents choose in moving into a living environment for a specific priority population under specific house rules
Resident Governance: Vote(Required) In this model, residents vote on who moves in and/or out
Resident Governance: Return to Stay(Required) In this model, residents have a say in who can move back in, if they have previously been asked to move out
Resident Governance: Advisory Council(Required) In this model, a resident or alumni advisory council hears and represents the peer voice
Resident Governance: Grievance Policies(Required) In this model, grievance policies and procedures are posted where residents can easily access them
Resident Governance: Unresolved Grievances(Required) In this model, residents are notified that they have the right to take unresolved grievances to the state certification body
Resident Governance: Length of Stay(Required) In this model, residents in good standing determine their length of stay in the residence
Community Resources: Linked to Mutual Aid(Required) In this model, residents are linked to mutual aid (e.g. 12-step) recovery activities and recovery advocacy opportunities
Community Resources: Mentors or Sponsors(Required) In this model, residents are encouraged to find and sustain relationships with one or more recovery mentors or mutual aid sponsors
Community Resources: Attend Meetings(Required) In this model, residents are encouraged to attend mutual aid meetings or equivalent support services in the community
Community Resources: Supporting Services(Required) In this model, residents are linked with community resources e.g. job search, education, family services, health and/or housing programs
Community Resources: Kinship(Required) In this model, residents engage in community relations and interactions to promote kinship with other recovery communities
Community Resources: Relationships(Required) In this model, residents are encouraged to sustain relationships inside the residence and with others in the external recovery community
Community Resources: Written Resource Directories(Required) In this model, written resource directories are made available to residents
Community Resources: Electronic Resource Directories(Required) In this model, electronic resource directories are made available to residents
Community Resources: Resident Leadership(Required) In this model, resident leaders educate other residents about local, community-based resources
Community Resources: Staff Leadership(Required) In this model, staff leadership educate residents about local, community-based resources
Upload Resident House Rules(Required) Resident House Rules are sometimes called "Resident Social Covenants" or "Resident Codes of Conduct"
[Note: We recommend you upload using one of the following file formats: jpg, gif, png, pdf]
Peer Accountability(Required) In this model, how is peer accountability fostered?
Open Door Accountability(Required) In this model, when residents leave and return to the property, they are expected to:
Return to Use (Relapse) Policy(Required) For this model, what is your relapse (return to use) policy?
Return to Use Exceptions(Required) If exceptions are made to your return to use (relapse) policy, what are the polices and procedures that guide the exception?
Toxicology Protocols(Required) For this model, what are your drug screening / toxicology protocols?
Preliminary Toxicology Method(Required) For this model, what preliminary drug screening / toxicology methods do you utilize?
Confirmation Toxicology Method(Required) For this model, what confirmation drug screening / toxicology methods do you utilize?
Hazardous or Prohibited Items(Required) In this model, what are your policies around hazardous or prohibited items?
OTC Medication(Required) In this model, what is your prescription and over-the-counter (OTC) medication usage policy?
Medication Storage(Required) In this model, what is your medication storage policy?